Jamia Imam-e-Azam is a community-based, independent non-profit organization funded by contributions from members of the community. Your contribution will go to ensuring the daily operation of the Musallah which is open for all five daily prayers, Friday prayers and for numerous other events and activities throughout the day. The Musallah also employs full-time Imams, who are available to assist members of the community with Islamic issues. Dawah and outreach programs for Muslims and non-Muslims as well as community social initiatives are sustained by the generous donations the Mosque receives.
Currently, the operating cost of the Musallah is very demanding and challenging. This cost reflects a wise and budgeted spending on maintenance, administration and the implementation of various Islamic programs and activities. As such, we are strongly appealing to all Muslims locally and internationally to donate generously towards the maintenance of the House of Allah. Spending in the cause of Allah will never decrease your wealth,
on the contrary it will definitely increase your reward in the Hereafter. We are looking forward for your generous contribution to this cause.
Kindly click on below link to donate as one time or on daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis
This is an easy and secure way to donate to the above causes online using any major credit card including MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. Simply click on the Donate button and you’ll be taken to our page on PayPal, fill out your information and donation amount and confirm. Recurring monthly option is available where applicable on the Paypal page by clicking the checkbox. A PayPal account is not required to donate. You may make the donation using your credit card. A donation tax receipt will be sent via email for all donations.
Alternatively you can also donate via email transfer. Please use our email address jamiaimameazam@gmail.com
Jazak Allah khair for your support.